Cameron Research Website

Welcome to my website. I’m a macroeconomist and my work lies at the intersection of deep learning and macroeconometric modeling. I think a lot about the limitations and improvements to dynamic macro models including how machine learning can help. While I think a lot about how current DSGE and HANK models can be improved, I also am interested in applied research in deep/machine learning as well as other macroeconomic modeling approaches.

Additionally, I’m interested in empirical analysis from accross a spectrum of topics. I’ve written a paper indicating that, despite the critiques of navel gazing, a field like philosophy behaves as if it’s making progress over time, where philosophical phenomenon is understood more and more over time. I’m also thinking about measuring expertise with artists and their artwork. I also have interest in political science. In short, if you have interest in empirical work of any type, feel free to contact me at cameronfen at gmail dot com.

Here is my CV

See more about my work here

Academic Work

- Macroeconomics
- Deep Learning
- Time Series Forecasting
- Bayesian Econometrics and Dynamic Modeling
- Emprical Applications of Machine Learning